Summary of the Topic Volume „Synthetic Biology“ (2012)

Editor: IAG Gene Technology Report

Synthetic biology. Is a new kind of biological engineering emerging?

Dornburg 2012

Despite increasing headlines in the daily press, synthetic biology is still a largely unknown discipline within the German public. This volume aims to address this issue by offering information: It provides a comprehensive analysis of current research in Germany. In addition to the scientific possibilities, the traditions and ideals of such an engineering biology are illuminated. Ethical aspects of synthetic biology are discussed as well as the public perception of the discipline and its media presence. This interdisciplinary analysis is complemented by extensive numerical material.

The resulting thematic volume thus integrates synthetic biology into the well-established format of monitoring by the Interdisciplinary Research Group Gene Technology Report at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW).

The summary with the core statements and recommendations for action of the IAG in German and English can be found here.